【同义词辨析】 2020-04-08 骄傲pride-preen

pride: usually implies a taking of credit for something that brings honor or gives just cause for pride: he ~s himself on his ancestry.    (to take credit for 因谋事得到好评, 如we don't mind who takes the credit for the success so long as we don't get the blame谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好,等于to get the credit for)   (just正当合理conforming to fact or reason=reasonable符合事实道理合理,如had just reason to believe he was in danger有理由相信他处境危险,如justification证明合理,如justice正义

plume: adds the implication of obvious, often vain display of one's satisfaction and commonly suggests less justification: ~d herself on the obedience of her staff.   vain泛指空虚虚荣,虚荣是指希望别人赞赏关注自己         plume本意是羽毛或羽毛饰品,引申出炫耀、引以为傲的意思,如she plumed herself on being cosmopolitan她以自己见多识广而引以为傲

pique: differs from flume chiefly in carrying a hint of stirred-up pride, usually in some special accomplishment: ~s himself on his ability to speak French well.   (stir激起激动implies the evocation of deep and agitating but usually pleasant emotion,如a sight that stirred pity那一情景激发同情心,如pioneers inspirited by the stirring accounts of the explorers探险者激动人心的叙述令先驱们感到鼓舞

preen: occasionally replaces plume, sometimes with a slight suggestion of adorning oneself with one's virtues or achievements: ~d herself on her awards.    the pigeon preened her feathers.    adorn装饰implies an enhancing of appearance by something beautiful in itself用美丽的东西装饰,如a diamond necklace adorns her neck用钻石项链装饰脖子)    (preen本意是鸟整理羽毛,如the pigeon preened her feathers鸽子整了整羽毛,引申为精心打扮或得意庆幸to make oneself look attractive or to congratulate oneself,如adolescents preening in their bedroom mirrors在卧室梳妆镜前精心打扮的青少年,如he's preening himself on acquiring such a pretty girlfriend他庆幸自己找到这么漂亮的女朋友)

pride: 常指合理地感到骄傲,plume: 表示虚荣炫耀,合理性弱,pique: 增加了兴奋激动的含义,preen: 增加了精心打扮得意庆幸的意思

记忆方法: 1)首字母PPPP想成4人帮<==骄傲     ""的意思是"自高自大",也有"蔑视、不屈服"的意思。来自"敖",表示"出游,游戏",从字形上看,"敖"由组成,表示出游游戏舞蹈。后增加走之成为专指出游的"遨"字;而"敖"则因舞蹈游戏出游动作的不羁因而多表示"骄傲狂妄"。后加单人成为傲。如傲骨傲慢傲气傲视,如傲然表示     ""从马乔声,本义是"六尺高的马",也指"马拱起背", 说文: "马高六尺为骄"。引申出3个意思 1、自高自大,如骄傲骄横骄兵必败戒骄戒躁骄奢淫逸 2、猛烈,如骄阳骄阳灼人 3、受宠爱的,如天之骄子娇惯娇妻娇气

        2)骄傲的意思是感到庆幸mean to congratulate oneself because of something one is, has, or has done or achieved.  congratulate祝贺恭喜,意思是认为对方幸运lucky